Allah is Al-Mu'men (the Fulfiller of Promises, the Inspirer of Faith), Al-Muhaymen (the Overseer, the Preserver of Safety)


Allah is Al-Mu&"men (the Fulfiller of Promises, the Inspirer of Faith), Al-Muhaymen (the Overseer, the Preserver of Safety)

He is Allah, Al-Mu&"men (the Fulfiller of Promises, the Inspirer of Faith), Al-Muhaymen (the Overseer, the Preserver of Safety) &" He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, the Bestower of Faith, the Overseer&" (Al-Hashr: 23).

&"Al-Mu&"men&" (the Fulfiller of Promises, the Inspirer of Faith) &"Al-Mu&"men&" (the Fulfiller of Promises, the Inspirer of Faith).. He praised Himself with Perfect Attributes and with Perfect Glory and Beauty. He sent His messengers and revealed His scriptures with signs and proofs. He gave His messengers miracles and proofs to support the truth of what they conveyed.

He spreads security amongst His slaves, peace amongst His creatures, and tranquillity through His revelation… &"(saving them) from fear&" (Quraish: 4).

&"Al-Mu&"men&" (the Fulfiller of Promises, the Inspirer of Faith)...

He fulfills His promises by overseeing and witnessing what His creatures do and say.

&"Al-Mu&"men” (the Fulfiller of Promises, the Inspirer of Faith)

He does not decrease any reward due to His slave, nor increase their punishment. He is the first to grant favours and goodwill.

&"Al-Muhaymen&" (the Overseer, the Preserver of Safety)

“Al-Muhaymen” (the Overseer, the Preserver of Safety).. He is aware of everything hidden in all places and in all hearts, and encompasses everything with His Knowledge.

He Oversees and Protects His slaves and subdues them. He cares for them and is aware of their actions and conditions, for He encompasses them. To Him everything is easy, and everyone is in need of Him. &" There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing&" (Ash-Shûra: 11).

He is Allah Al-Mu&"men (the Fulfiller of Promises, the Inspirer of Faith), Al-Muhaymen (the Overseer, the Preserver of Safety) ..
