Allah, Al-Qareeb (the One Who is Near)

Allah, Al-Qareeb (the One Who is Near)

He is Allah, Al-Qareeb (the One Who is Near)….

O Allah, You are near to those who supplicate You, and near to those who implore you.

O Allah, You are near to those who ask of You...You are nearer to us than our jugular vein.

O Allah, grant us the pleasure of being in Your company and finding consolation in Your Words.. &"And when My servants ask you (O Muhammad) concerning Me - indeed I am near&" (Al-Baqarah: 186).

“Al-Qareeb” ( the One Who is Near)

Though He is the Most High, He is Al-Qareeb through His Knowledge and Awarness.

“Al-Qareeb” ( the One Who is Near)

To those who supplicate Him, He grants them their wishes and is kind. He revokes trials and answers those facing difficult times.

“Al-Qareeb” ( the One Who is Near)

To those who repent and return to Him, He forgives their wrongdoings and accepts their repentance.

&"Al-Qareeb&"… He is near to everyone with His Knowledge, watching them and being aware of all they do

“Al-Qareeb” ( the One Who is Near)

He accepts what the slave does to draw closer to Him, and He draws nearer to His slave as much as the slave draws nearer to Him.

“Al-Qareeb” ( the One Who is Near)

He is aware of all His slaves&" affairs, for He is near them with His Knowledge as His knowledge encompasses them, and nothing is hidden from Him.

“Al-Qareeb” ( the One Who is Near)

He is near to His slaves with His Gentleness, Protection and Support. This is the nearness that is especially for His Awleya&" (pious worshippers).

“Al-Qareeb” ( the One Who is Near)

To Him all His slaves refer for all their affairs.. &"But We (i.e. Our angels who take the soul) are nearer to him than you&" (Al-Wâqi&"ah: 85).

“Al-Qareeb” ( the One Who is Near)

Souls feel pleasure when they feel He is near, and are happy in His Rememberance.

He is Allah, “Al-Qareeb” ( the One Who is Near) ...
